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What We Serve...

To encourage children to think independently, to be passionate about what they wish to do, to value excellence WITH


Brain Friendly Environment

Project Based Approach

Parents are requested to read the contents of Diary carefully and in the interest of the child.
Whenever you correspond with the school about your wards kindly quote its full name, class and section. All communications should be addressed to the Principal. Parents are required to inform the school immediately if there is any change in address or telephone nos.
Students should always wear their school ID card / dispersal card.
No child will be allowed to leave the premises before the school gets over unless permission is granted in written by the Principal.
Every student is expected to maintain an attendance record of at least 75% during the academic year, failing which he/she may not be allowed to appear in final examinations.
A proper application for leave should be submitted in written by parents to the Principal, in case of absence. This should be supported by a medical certificate in case of a sick leave for more than two days.
Repeated absence without permission or unexplained absence for more than 15 consecutive days renders the student liable to have his/her name struck off from the rolls.
Kindly ensure that your ward carries text/exercise book accordingly to the time table for that day.
Parents are requested to all the required material asked by the school in the morning with ward. Phone calls during the school hours are not permitted.
Your ward should be instructed to be careful about his/her possessions. There should be name tag on blazers & sweaters. Students are not allowed to wear jewellery in school. In case of violation of this rule the articles will be confiscated. School bears no responsibility for the articles lost in school.
Any child found playing with colours or bursting crackers will be penalised.
No child is allowed to carry mobile phone to school. If any child is found with mobile, it will be confiscated and a heavy fine will be imposed.
Birthday Celebrations: If you would like to celebrate the birthday of your ward, you are requested to kindly send only toffees as gifts of less than worth of Rs.15/-. Parents are not permitted to go inside the class for celebration. It would be a Good gesture to contribute one book to the school library on your kid's birthday.

Rules & Regulations

Every student should carry Diary to the school daily.
Studenys should come to school neatly and in proper school uniform.
Students, who come to the school by their own should arrive at school five minutes before the bell rings.
The name, class and section of the student should be clearly marked on the uniform and all other belongings.
Care must be taken of all school property and no student should scratch or spoil the desks, charts or any other furniture, write or draw anything on the walls or damage things belonging to others.
The school reserves right to suspend/expelled students whose conduct is harmful to other students or to the school.
Students are not allowed to bring personal playing things to play in the school.
Students are not permitted to buy eatables from vendors outside the school premises.
Students are not allowed to use school telephone without the permission of Principal. They will not be called to answer phone calls during class hours.



about img Late Professor B.S. Neehar
Founder & Chairman
about img Late Dr. (Mrs.) Chandra Kanta Sharma
Founder & Directress

Our commitment at Neehar Meera National Sr. Sec. School is to provide a safe and intellectually challenging environment that will empower students to become innovative, thinkers, creative, problem solvers, inspired, learners prepared to thrive in the 21st century and above all, 'The Best Citizen' of our country, universe. High standards and expectations for each student in regard to academic performance, co-curricular participation and responsible citizenship are the foundation of our school. It is with pride that we hold these high standards and ask each of our students to commit to maintaining the extraordinary record of achievement and contribution that has been the legacy of Neehar Meera National Sr. Sec. School students from years.

about img

Mrs. Kalplata Chandrahas


The following practices will lead to strict disciplinary action -
Disfiguring or damaging school property.
Bunking classes or school.
Use of violence in any form, Using Holi colours, bursting crackers or abusive language.
Harming/hurting any- person, property, self
Damaging, scribbling or tearing pages from library books, text books or exercise books.
Writing on shirts/uniforms, bringing sharp and injury causing articles such as knives, scissors, cutters etc.
Carrying costly articles (like expensive watches/fountain pens, cameras, jewellery).
Smoking, gambling, drinking or using drugs.
Misconduct, indiscipline and misbehaviour in school transport.
A student will be issued an Orange Card for missing classes, reporting late to class, constantly interrupting the teaching process and indulging in the rude and unacceptable behaviour in class and school premises. The student will report to the Class Teacher for detention during Break. Issue of two Orange Cards will lead to immediate suspension in Red Card.
Students do not follow the school rules or behave in an indiscipline manner may be withheld, based on the code of conduct issued by CBSE.
Change of classroom between periods should be done in silence and in an orderly manner.


Neehar Meera National Sr. Sec. School

Address: Kyampur, Near Ozone City, Kwarsi Etah bypass, Aligarh- 202001

Email: neeharmeeraschool@yahoo.com

Mobile: 8192001292, 6399559900, 6399339900